The Vagina Monopod

Sacha Parkinson and Molly Wright want to raise awareness, fight stigma, and break taboos...

…By empowering people to celebrate their private parts!

In the Vagina Monopod, they discuss menstrual and gynaecological health openly and honestly with the hope of encouraging more young people to do the same thing.

Episode 10: Pregnancy & Motherhood

It felt only natural to end this series with a lovely episode on the wonders of pregnancy and childbirth.

We couldn’t be more thrilled to have Sacha’s ex-fake-lover and two time baby mama Brooke Vincent join us just six weeks after delivering her second baby boy.

As non-child-havers, growing and pushing a baby out seems near impossible, so we asked Brooke for ALL the gory and beautiful details on; conception, symptoms, how much nesting is too much nesting, juggling a toddler post-caesarean, body changes, setting boundaries, PERINEUM MASSAGES and so much more!

Episode 9: Period Poverty

The STIGMA BUSTERS are back (that’s us), and in perfect keeping with Menstrual Hygiene and Health Awareness Day (last Friday), this week we are talking all about period poverty. 

It is DIABOLICAL that any of us have to pay for our very necessary period products, but what about those of us who simply can’t?! Katie from Homeless Period Belfast was kind enough to join us to talk all about the wonderful organisation she’s a part of, their mission to end period poverty for all and to tell us what we (you) can do to help!

For more information please head over to @homelessperiodbelfast on Instagram or @hperiodbelfast on Twitter.

Episode 8: Period Plastics

HERE'S THE BLOODY THING... We use tampons and sanitary pads for just a couple of hours, but they can then take 500+ YEARS to decompose - which means that Jane Austen’s would still have another 200+ years left in ‘em!

On this week’s podcast we’re talking all about period products and the shocking impact all that disposable plastic is having on the planet. Here to tell us what we can do to help is our period product planet preserving PIONEER post-woman, Ella Daish!

To see Ella’s 6 foot tampon applicator or to keep up to date on her period plastic eradicating journey, you can find her @elladaish. You can also sign Ellas petition by following this link:

Episode 7: PMS & PMDD

Please be aware that this episode contains some difficult discussions, including a discussion about suicidal thoughts. There are some links at the bottom of this description which may help if some of these themes resonate with you - and of course, we completely understand if some people feel as if they need to skip this episode.

“Chill out, are you on your period?!” “Oh she must be due on...” This episode is a big “GET IN THE BIN!” to all those who’ve ever dismissed our feelings as “just hormonal”.

We’re here to validate those feelings and hopefully give you a better understanding of what our incredible bodies go through every month as we discuss PMS (pre menstrual syndrome) and its “satanic sibling” PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder)!

This week’s guest is PMDD sufferer and advocate Annika Waheed who bravely tells us about her (hell of a) journey to diagnosis and harrowing experiences of just how deadly this condition can be. We also have a chat about the stigma surrounding antidepressants and females being (god forbid) affected by their hormones!

As many as 1 in 20 women suffer from PMDD which is why, as always, we are so grateful to you for listening and hopefully learning a thing or two along the way, we know we have! Awareness saves lives!

If you want to drop Annika a message, or for more PMDD content, you can find her at @veni.vidi.vincens.vitae (I came, I saw, I’m conquering life) over on Instagram.

Or for more PMDD / mental health support here are some links we think could help: (National Association for Premenstrual Syndromes) (The International Association For Premenstrual Disorders) (Patient-led PMDD support) (General mental health and PMDD support) (or call The Samaritans on 116 123)

Episode 6: Early Menopause

Menopause. A word we don’t have to think about until we’re at least 45 right? WRONG. This week’s episode is all about early menopause.

We are joined by two incredible women, Sheree, who was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) at 15, and Ellie, who began the menopause following her extensive treatment for stage 4 cancer at just 15.

It wouldn’t be a menopause episode without talking about aaaaall the symptoms most of us have to look forward to, as well as treatments (yes there are treatments, we don’t just have to put up with it!), what the menopause actually means for our bodies and STOP THE PRESS… It turns out our ovaries produce much more than just eggs! Our guests also tell us about the mental and physical effects of going through the menopause so young, their need to redefine what it means to be a woman and their plans for the future!

Sheree and Ellie share a few of their top tips and favourite resources for anyone else in their position, but please do go and have a gander at Ellie's simple and wonderfully informative booklet ‘A Young Woman’s Guide to Menopause After Treatment for Cancer’ written along side queen of the menopause Dr Louise Newson.'s%20guide%20INTERACTIVE.pdf

For more from both of our guests head over to instagram @lifeofpoi_ and @teamellie_blog

Episode 5: Endometriosis

Endometriosis was discovered over 160 years ago and ONE. IN. TEN. (Potentially more) people suffer with it worldwide! So, why, why, why, why, WHY don’t we know everything there is to know about it?!

Our lovely Sach was diagnosed with Endometriosis in 2016, she has since used her platform to raise awareness (a boss) and more recently became a proud ambassador for Endometriosis UK!

This week comedian, writer, artist and Sacha’s hero Eleanor Thom will be joining us to tell us what brought her to write her fearless / funny / BRILLIANT memoir Private Parts, a book about Eleanor's experiences of living (... sleeping, walking, talking, eating, sitting, standing, working...) with Endometriosis. 

While covering the wider systemic issues that lead to a lack of gynae health awareness, Eleanor and Sach tell and compare their Endo stories (in a nutshell... we’d need at least 8 years to tell you everything... coincidentally the same amount of time it generally takes to get a diagnosis!!!), which symptoms to look out for, and a few tips / what to do if you experience any of them.

Thank you so so deeply for listening to this episode. We really hope you learn a thing or two about this chronic and often debilitating condition that is almost definitely effecting someone you know. ONE. IN. TEN.

Episode 4: Gynae Cancers

Comedian / Writer / Cat Mother and all round LEGEND Karen Hobbs was kind enough to talk us through her experience of cervical cancer at the age of just 24 in this episode to highlight Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.

As Information Officer to the UK's leading gynae cancer charity Eve Appeal, our non-Karen Karen also fills us in on all the things we, as female reproductive organ owners, should be keeping an eye on!

We are absolutely 200% (100 each) definitely really not medical professionals and this podcast does not intend to daunt or dishearten anyone! Our aim, as always, is to ask the questions we hope you want the answers to, to normalise talking about our bits (including the more serious stuff), all while having a little laugh or twelve along the way. Oh, and GO FOR YOUR SMEAR!

For more gynae cancer information and support head over to

Episode 3: Contraception (Part Two)


Welcome to contraception part two! Dr West is back and In this episode we delve into the L.A.R.Cs (long acting reversible contraception), men being a contraEXception, as well as finding out what YOUR favourite methods are.

Today’s lesson plan;
• Femidoms
• The coil
• The implant
• The coil
• The injection
• The diaphragm/vaginal cap
• Cycle tracking
• Coïtus interruptus (sorry, what?)
• ChlamEYEdia
• And every STIs worst enemy, the condom.

Everyone has a horror story to tell when it comes to contraception, our aim is to debunk the myths and encourage you to explore your options! We know your Mum's friend told you that the pill made her uterus fall out… but every body is different and KNOWLEDGE IS (pussy) POWER.

Head over to @gynaegossip on Instagram for more of Dr West’s menstrual, gynaecological and contraceptive genius.

Episode 2: Contraception (Part One)


Dr Sotonye West (@gynaegossip on Instagram) has been sent to us from above to talk through all of your contraceptive options. In part one we delve into the S.A.R.Cs (short acting reversible contraception) to find out:

  • If the pill(s) is all it’s cracked up to be and if no periods = you’re going to blow up. 

  • About the witchcraft that is, the patch (feat. sperm impressions)!

  • And whether or not the vaginal ring will get in the way of any “extra curricular activities”.

Everyone has a horror story to tell when it comes to contraception, and our aim is to debunk the myths and encourage you to explore your options! We know your Mum's friend told you that the pill made her uterus fall out… But every body is different and KNOWLEDGE IS (pussy) POWER.

Head over to @gynaegossip on Instagram for more of Dr West’s menstrual, gynaecological and contraceptive genius.

Episode 1: The Devil’s Waterfall

Hiya! We're Sacha and Molly, two northern actresses with a lot of questions... If only vaginas came with instructions!

For our first episode "The Devil's Waterfall" we will be gracing your ears with a little introduction to us, our first period stories and our grand plan to fill your brains with everything you need to know about your VAGINA!

Menstrual and gynaecological health are things that we should be talking about, not shying away from or keeping to ourselves. We hope our openness encourages you to talk about what's going on with your body to the people you trust!

“We entered the world of podcasting completely inexperienced, and nervous to get our idea off the ground. Sound Rebel gave us the confidence to finally take the leap and guided us every step of the way with their expertise. Thank you for producing a series we are incredibly proud of!”

Sacha Parkinson - Actor & Podcast Host

Work With Us:

0151 453 2222

17 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP


Starting Over with B*Witched


Flipping The Narrative