Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Launch Your Podcast


So… That wonderful extra-long August bank holiday is done and dusted, the school uniform shops have queues around the block, and work is probably about to ramp up again.

Let’s be honest, most of us slip into holiday mode in August, even if we’re not actually going anywhere – thanks Boris. 90% of email replies are people’s out of office and the pace just seems generally slower. It’s nearly September and we’re all getting that familiar ‘back to school’ feeling we remember so vividly from being young. And with that feeling comes opportunity.

Our background is in radio and it’s a widely accepted fact that presenters aren’t allowed any time off in September because people are back to their normal routine, commuting to work and back (now that offices are reopen) and what they’re hearing on the radio needs to be consistent. And the same theory applies to podcasts.

So, when Dan in Southampton has had his Crunchy Nut Cornflakes and dropped the kids off at school he’s in the car for half an hour on his way to work. When Naomi in Leeds goes for her daily morning run before opening her laptop, she’s putting her headphones in. When Stu from Inverness is on the train home from the nightshift he’s scrolling through his phone. And all these people, and millions more like them, are a captive audience. And they’re all doing these things at the same time every day now they’ve hit that September ‘reset’ button.

By releasing your podcast on the same day at the same time every week you’re allowing and inviting people to build it into their routine. So, instead of putting the radio on and listening to adverts and a couple of songs he’s not that keen on, Dan knows on a Tuesday he can listen to your podcast about marketing strategies on his way to work. Or Naomi can download your podcast on sustainable fashion for her Wednesday run. It’s the same as when a TV programme you love comes out on a certain day. You look forward to it and plan it into your day to watch it.

Typically, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday see more podcast downloads than Thursday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday drop significantly, so we’d always recommend releasing at the beginning of the week, early in the morning, so it’s there waiting for people when they wake up.

That lovely notification on their phone that there’s a new episode of their favourite podcast available to listen to! 

Sound Rebel is a podcast production company based in Liverpool. We produce bespoke podcasts for clients both in the UK and across the world. To talk to us about starting your own podcast, email hello@soundrebel.co.uk


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