She Dares

When the founder of She Dares, Mel Cheng, came to us wanting to expand her brand with a podcast we were delighted.

She Dares is about female empowerment and women encouraging each other to do things out of their comfort zones, and we’re all for that here at Sound Rebel! Mel didn’t have loads of confidence in her ability to host the podcast but wanted to embody her brand and push herself out of her comfort zone. And it paid off.

With guests from all over the world such as an LA-based female guitar tech working on male dominated world tours, a founder of a skincare brand living in Spain and an action sports photographer working across the globe, the 10-part series covered a whole range of topics but embodied one over-arching theme… Women grabbing chances and running with them.

This was a series full of inspiration, motivation and advice. And that was especially true of the final episode which featured Mel’s wife Sam and her friend Tara talking about their very different experiences with breast cancer. It was an honest, brave and important listen.

The thing that set She Dares apart from other podcasts was the fact that each guest gave Mel a dare at the end of the chat and listeners could hear how it went in an audio diary at the end of each episode. There was busking, cold showers and Mel even got a mullet cut thanks to one guest! Everyone was encouraged to join in with Mel to do the dares which gave a lovely feeling of togetherness with the listeners. 

There were laughs, shared fears and even some tears at times, and Mel felt that the series had achieved exactly what she wanted it to. So much so that we’re currently booking in guests for Series 2 to release in January! More women sharing their incredible stories and helping the She Dares community grow even bigger.

Roll on 2022!

Sound Rebel is a podcast production company based in Liverpool. We produce bespoke podcasts for clients both in the UK and across the world. To talk to us about starting your own podcast, email


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