There’s Still Time…

It’s that time of year again… Michael Buble has been defrosted, you and the Amazon delivery driver are on first name terms, and you’re uttering the phrase ‘oh go on then, it’s Christmas’ at least once a day.

And, of course, it’s also the time of year when everyone is trying to wrap up work for the holidays to hit the ground running when we’re back in January!

That’s very true here at Sound Rebel. As well as tying up all those loose ends and ticking those annoying things off our lists that have been there for weeks, we’re also looking ahead to the New Year. Because a new year means new plans, new opportunities, and new releases. And we love a new podcast release!

There’s some we’re allowed to talk about – the second series of She Dares being a great example – and a few we’re not just yet, but suffice to say we’ve got some very exciting projects gearing up for a 2022 launch.

We work with everyone from personal trainers to pop stars. Construction engineers to commentators. Truckers to teachers. We love podcasts that educate, entertain and inform, no matter what the subject. And most importantly, we make the whole process fun!

So, if you haven’t spoken to us yet about your podcast, get in touch! Now is the perfect time to have that chat and get the ball rolling. We still have time before Christmas to firm up your idea, speak to some guests and get recording time booked in for January.

And what better way to start a new year than seeing your idea come to life!

Sound Rebel is a podcast production company based in Liverpool. We produce bespoke podcasts for clients both in the UK and across the world. To talk to us about starting your own podcast, email


New Podcast Launch: Leave You Breathless


Creativity: Being Open to Change